Should you wish to share the contents of your Trades Wallet with a potential employer, or another interested party, you can send a summary report containing the images associated to each Card entry via email, directly from within your Self Service app:
- Select the 'Cards' tab from your Wallet Home Page:
- On the 'Cards' tab, you will be presented with a complete listing of cards and credentials associated to your Trades Wallet profile.
NOTE: 'Private' cards will be indicated with the following icon: - Here, you also have the option to Email a pdf summary report of your cards to a potential employer, or otherwise interested party.
Select the 'Email my cards to someone' link: - Input the 'Email Address' of the intended recipient into the field provided:
- Select the (blue) 'Send Card Report Email' button:
- Trades Wallet will process the request. Within minutes, a pdf report will be issued to the Email Address specified:
NOTE: Only active public cards will be included within the Card Export Report issued. Private, Expired, or Archived cards will not be included.
The 'Card Export Report'
When you select the 'Send Card Report Email' button, the system will send an email, containing a pdf attachment of the 'Images Only' report, to the recipient indicated within the Self Service app.
The Email will advise the recipient that the cards within the report were actively managed within Trades Wallet at the time the report was Emailed.
Upon opening the pdf, the report will be date stamped, again indicating that the cards presented were valid as of this date.
Open the attachment to review the images of the active cards within the Wallet:
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