This document covers the following topics:
Navigate to the Trades Wallet
- Establish your Search options then use the 'Global Search Bar' to search for a relevant Wallet using the 'Name' or 'ID' of the Wallet in question.
For more information about 'Searching' for a Wallet within Trades Wallet, click here.
Cards Tab
- By default, you will be on the 'Account' tab of the relevant Wallet. To review a listing of Cards and credentials that have been added to this Wallet, select the 'Cards' tab:
- Select the Wallet entry to reveal the Cards tab:
Card Export Report:
From here, you can generate a pdf summary report containing a listing of the current 'Public' cards and certifications within a particular Trades Wallet.
For more information on generating a 'Card Export Report', click here.
The Vault:
Employers who wish to maintain their own records of the cards and credentials that are actively managed within an employee’s Trades Wallet can utilize the functionality of the Trades Wallet ‘Vault’.
For more information on saving Wallet Contents to your Vault, click here.
Cards Listing
Within the 'Cards' sub-section you will be presented with a listing of all the current cards and credentials within the relevant wallet that have been marked as "public" by the Wallet holder, listed in alphabetical order.
For more information about "public" versus "private" card entries, click HERE.
NOTE: Expired, Archived or Private cards contained within the Wallet will NOT be displayed.
Summary Details
Within the 'Cards' summary, you will find a listing of cards that have already been adde to the relevant Wallet. For each entry within the grid you should note the following information displayed:
- Title = Card Title as it will be used by your organization.
NOTE: If the Card has been tied to a relevant 'Card Mapping' the title may be derived from the associated mapping title. - Managed By = The organization that owns or manages the Card.
NOTE: This may not be the same organization that owns or manages the Wallet. - Mapped = Indicates whether the Card has been linked to a 'Card Mapping' within Trades Wallet. For more information on Card Mapping(s), click here.
- Issued / Expires Dates = Indicates the date the Card or certification was issued, and if applicable, the date the card or certification is set to expire.
Expiring Cards:
If a Card listed within the Wallet is within (2) months of its listed expiration date, it will be indicated as such:

Expired Cards:
If a Card within the Wallet has expired, it will NOT be presented with the 'Cards' listing.
Additionally, and Cards that have been 'Archived' or marked 'Private' will also be withheld.
Card Details
To view a specific 'Card', select the associated entry to reveal its details.
For more information about reviewing 'Card Details', click here.
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