Organizations, such as Unions, who dispatch tradespeople to job sites, have the opportunity to set-up pre-qualification records to increase the efficiency of getting those trades people to work by ensuring they meet the requirements of the relevant job site in advance of arriving on-site.
To learn more about how to pre-qualify a tradesperson on behalf of a 'trusted' organization within the Trades Wallet Community, review the FAQ entitled: 'Pre-Qualification for a Trusted Organization'.
Search for a Pre-Qualification:
To begin the process of reviewing a pre-qualification record that has been created on behalf of your organization:
- Search for a Wallet within the 'Global Search Bar' of the Trades Wallet web application.
- Select the 'Pre-Qualify' tab.
- Select the Wallet entry from within the list of results returned. Any pre-qualification records, associated with this wallet, that have been created for your organization, will appear within a grid.
- From here, you can review the 'Summary' details. Select the pre-qualification entry to review it in greater detail.
You may note that the 'Status' of the pre-qualification is 'Disabled'. This is intentional to allow an administrator from your own organization to first review the pre-qualification details. Once you have confirmed the details presented, you can choose to set the record to active by updating the status to ‘Enabled’.
Please note: You can review the pre-qualification details, and 'modify' as needed, throughout the term of the pre-qualification.
Pre-Qualification Term:
At the top of the pre-qualification record, you will find the dates that the record will be 'Effective' from, and when it will 'Expire'.
Any general details pertaining to the pre-qualification will be listed within the 'Description' field.
The 'Status' of the pre-qualification indicates whether or not the record will be made visible when the wallet is scanned by an administrator using the 'Field Scanner' application.
When receiving a pre-qualification record created on your behalf by a 'trusted' organization within the Trades Wallet community, you should expect the 'Status' of the pre-qualification to be set to 'Disabled'.
This is intentional. Once you have reviewed all of the pre-qualification details presented, you can choose to set the record to active. Simply select the toggle switch such that it turns green and reads ‘Enabled’.
Create For:
The 'Created For' sub-section indicates which organization this pre-qualification record is intended for. This section cannot be modified.
If the pre-qualification record has been designated for a particular 'Site' within your organization, that site will be listed here.
Modify the Site:
- Select the blue 'Clear' button. This will remove the site from the record and will present you with the ability to search for a new site to associate.
- Search for a new site within the search bar provided, or select the 'Click Here' link to be presented with a listing of all 'Sites' that have been established for your organization.
- Select the appropriate 'Site' from the results returned and select the blue 'Associate' button.
Mandatory Cards:
If your organization has previously defined certain cards as 'mandatory' in order to meet the admission requirements for the 'Site' selected, these will be presented within a section labeled: 'Unmapped Mandatory Cards'.
To learn more about establishing mandatory cards within your organization, please review the FAQ entitled: ‘Sites and Mandatory Cards’.
Within each of the 'Mandatory Cards' listed, you have the opportunity to map the requirements for the site specified to a current card within the wallet in order to satisfy the site requirement.
Mapping a card within Trades Wallet provides organizations a way to link cards that have equivalent meaning, but that may have different names and titles. To learn more about mapping, please review the FAQ entitled: ‘Card Mapping’.
- Select a 'Mandatory Card' from the list provided.
- You will be presented with a 'read only' section displaying the 'Name' of the card that has been deemed mandatory, along with a brief 'Description'.
- Below this you will find a sub-section entitled: 'Map to Card(s)'. Here you will find a listing of all the current and valid cards contained within the wallet.
If any of the entries appear with a green background and a special icon indicating the row, it means that the organization who created the pre-qualification record has marked these cards as potentially 'Significant' to the requirements of the relevant job site. - Select an entry to view it in greater detail. Here you will be presented with the details pertaining to the relevant card, including: 'Card Title', 'Card Number', 'Date of Issue' and if applicable, the date the card is set to 'Expire'.
You also have the option to review the pictures of the physical certification the card is based on. - If you are able to confirm that the card fulfills one, or more, of the site requirements, select the toggle switch associated with the card such that it turns green and reads ‘Yes’.
You should note that in doing so, the requirement listed within the ‘Unmapped Mandatory Cards’ window is updated to ‘Yes’, indicating the requirement is now fulfilled by one or more cards within the Wallet. - Continue this way until you have mapped each of the ‘Site Requirements’ to a valid card within the Trades Wallet.
You should note that the red ‘Unmapped Mandatory Cards’ banner is updated to reflect that the ‘Mandatory Card Requirements’ are satisfied.
Significant Cards:
Within the sub-section entitled 'Significant Cards' you will be presented with a subset of cards within the wallet that were marked as significant to this pre-qualification record.
These cards will be 'highlighted' when the pre-qualification record is reviewed by a worksite admin from within the Field Scanner application.
- Select an entry to view it in greater detail.
Here you will be presented with the details pertaining to the relevant card, including: 'Card Title', 'Card Number', 'Date of Issue' and if applicable, the date the card is set to 'Expire'. - To add or remove a card from within this view, select the green ‘Add/Remove’ button. This will present you with the entire listing of valid cards within the wallet.
- You can modify which cards are marked as significant by selecting the toggle switch associated to the card.
Cards that have been marked ‘Yes’ will be presented to a worksite administrator when reviewing the pre-qualification record from within the Field Scanner application.
Please note: Cards that are marked ‘No’ will not be tied to the pre-qualification record but will still be available to view from within the ‘Cards’ section of the Wallet.
Card Export Report:
If your organization has existing policies and procedures in place that requires a copy of the relevant cards to be transmitted or printed, this can be achieved via the 'Card Export Report'.
- Select the blue Generate Report button.
- Select which report option you would like to generate:
'Images Only' will provide a summary report containing the images of the physical cards identified within the pre-qualification record, or you can instead select the 'Full Details' for each card.
Please note: Regardless of which report option you select, this 'Card Export Report' will only contain information relevant to the cards that were previously associated to the pre-qualification record.
For more information on how to generate summary report containing a listing of all valid cards and credentials within a Trades Wallet, please review the FAQ entitled: ‘Card Export Report’.
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